  • [Pharmacist] All previous Flu Waitlist Patients have been removed!
  • [Pharmacist] For all the new Flu, COVID-19 and Immunizations/Injections appointment types that were recently added, you can now customize all the appointment type details that are shown to Patients (such as Name, Description, Badge, etc). For more information, please see the Help Centre article.
  • [Pharmacist] For any external/offsite Flu Shot Clinics, you can now use MedMe for your scheduling and documentation flows! In the settings page, you can can access "External Clinics".
  • [Pharmacist] For the new Flu and COVID-19 appointment types, the Public Intake toggle needs to be enabled in order for Waitlist to be enabled. To avoid confusion, you won't be able to turn on Waitlist without turning on Public Intake first.
  • [Patient] For the Flu and COVID-19 Waitlist registration page, we've removed copy that was specific to only Flu which makes it more generalized now.
  • [Pharmacist] On the Patient Profile page, there is a more prominent "Add" button that will make it more clear that you can add appointments from this page.
  • [Patient] The Minor Ailment specific scheduling links now show the ailment at the very top of the page. Example: UTI shows at the very top of this scheduling link. You can retrieve this URL by visiting Settings -> Appt Type -> Calendar Availability.
  • [Patient] After a Patient reschedules an appointment, the confirmation page no longer automatically scrolls to the middle of the page, so the Patient will see the top of the page.
  • [Patient] If a Patient books a phone appointment, and the Patient reschedules the appointment, the confirmation page now shows the phone next steps, instead of the onsite next steps.