Raven Smith
Merged in a post:
Mass Delete/Remove Waitlist Patients Without Notifying Them
Jesse MacKinnon #509
As a pharmacist, I need to be able to conveniently mass delete patients from the Covid or Flu waitlists without them getting any notifications. At the moment, for Covid waitlist, the best way to clear it is by mass sending the opt-out email which notifies them and does not remove them right away. For the Flu waitlist, we have to cancel them individually. This is not very convenient for pharmacies who usually have over 100+ on the waitlist.
Rui Su
Merged in a post:
Ability to mass remove patients off the waitlist
Andy Lee
It would be a useful feature to have the ability to mass remove patients from the waitlist for clean-up purposes.
Currently, there is a workaround to send mass booking links to patients and move them to the expired links tab immediately. During this process, pharmacies will include a custom note to disregard the booking link but it can still create confusion.
Albert Lam
under review
Krysta Traianovski
Merged in a post:
Automatically remove from waitlist if they were booked manually instead of through waitlist
Store #8187
I have found that if a patient on a waitlist (dose 1 or 2) is manually booked into a spot (instead of through sending a link), they remain on the applicable waiting list. Then long after they got their dose, they are still getting notifications to book their dose. It would be great if you could make dose 1 wait list and dose 1 booking mutually exlusive (same for dose 2) so the system automatically removes the waitlist entry when the booking entry is made
Gaby Busque
Mayfair drugs would also like a mass delete option to remove patients en -mass
Rui Su
Health Center would like a mass delete option to remove patients en-masse